Questionnaire on Takeaways
(Please circle your answer)
1) What is your gender?
This question, despite its simplicity, is perhaps one of the most important questions we asked. We wanted to make sure that what we asked our audience was not biased towards one gender. Idealy, our questionaire's results had to have been asked to an equal ratio of males to females. In the end, it was fairly equal, around 51% females to 49%. Including myself, our group was satisfied with the results of this question, as it means that we are less likely to bias our documentary towards one gender. This makes it fair for everyone who views the film.
2) How old are you?
Our documentary is aimed at a target audience of 16-20 year olds, although people from other age groups can also relate to the preferences of younger people. The age groups in this question reflect a fair representation of who we would like to watch our film. This does not completely mean our questionaire results on other questions fully represent the opinions of younger people, as the minority of people who are older than 16-20 years is too high.
3) How often do you have takeaways?
Once every 3 months
Once every 2 months
Once every month
Once every 2 weeks
Once a week
More than once a week
We are pleased that the results for this question do not have a large majority. It suggests that when we create Vox Pops and film our longer interviews, we are likely to obtain a variety of answers. This gives us more choice of what clips to use during the editing process. I am pleased that a very small number of people chose the answer 'Never' rather than a large amount.
4) Would you have a takeaway as an actual meal or just as a quick alternative?
Again, the results of this question do not have too much of a majority as opposed to the minority. Questions as balanced as this one are a good way to create conflict in our documentary because of the almost even number of answers. This helps to keep the documentary unbiased.
5) Do you find takeaways expensive?
In this question, just over half of the people who answered it said they find "some" takeaways expensive. The problem with the word "some" is that it is too general. It could refer to the phrases "Most" or "A few". However, in terms of a documentary, the use of the word 'Some' can be researched for the audience to make a final judgement at the end of the programme.
6) Do you prefer to get it delivered or to pick it up?
Pick up
Due to the large number of people saying that they like to have their takeaways delivered to them, we will definately include something on deliveries in our documentary. We could then ask why getting takeaways delivered to a location is more popular than people picking them up themselves. Knowing this, we have already begun finding potential takeaway companies to interview.
7) What type of takeaway do you prefer?
Note that in this question, not one person said that they like mexican food. 'Why is this the case?' is perhaps an issue that could be explored so that the audience can make a judgement. On the other hand, it may be better to focus on the 50% of people we asked who said that Chinese takeaways were their favorite kind of food, whilst also mentioning the other types of food.
8) Do any special offers ever tempt you?
This question is related to the financial side of takeaways and considers special offers such as '10% off when a certain pizza is ordered'. Therefore, this tempts the customer further to spend extra money on takeaways. Also, it was important because special offers are commonly associated with takeaways. Ultimately, it is another interview question that could be used for Vox Pocks.
9) Do you usually have one with your friends, family or on your own?
On my own
As with most questions, the interview subject is required to choose what they would 'often' or 'prefer' to do, Adding more options to cater for every possible answer would have made the results difficult to read and somewhat less useful and interesting to the audience we want to target. The results of this question have suggested that it would be a good idea for us to interview people with their friends or family (for example, in pairs) to support this idea of having a takeaway being a social activity.
10) What type of takeaway is your least favourite?
This question was a reverse of question three (what type of takeaway is your favourite?) but with this question we are able to see the least popular type of takeaway. The results in a way reflected those of question three, with 'Chinese' gaining no votes as the least favourite and expanding on it is being the target audience's takeaway of choice. Noticably, 'Thai' has a large share of the votes on this question. This relates to "Thai" getting 0 votes in the "what type of takeaway is your favourite?" question. The results also conject to us that we should make Chinese, Indian, Italian and American food the main focus of our documentary.
11) Do you tend to order the same meal or go for something more adventurous?
Same meal
Something adventurous
As the information that this question provides is not as helpful or interesting to the viewers as other, more obvious questions, it is likely that if we choose this question to be included in our documentary we would only ask a few people instead a lot of people for their answer. Instead, we should focus on the questions that provide us with much more experimental results. We could potentially include all of the 'smaller' questions such as this in a fast paced opening montage of cutaways and camera shots to provide a lot of information for the viewer without necessarily boring them.
12) What is the maximum amount you’d spend?
The financial side of takeaways from an audience members point of view is possibly a debatable sub-topic. As predicted, our target audience of teenagers/students rarely chose higher than the '£16-£25' option, as many of them cannot afford to pay so much money for a takeaway. If our group was to redo the questionnaire, we would add another option in between the '£16-£25' and '£26-£35' options to try to split the two options into three to get a more realistic and reliable view on results.
13) Do you buy a drink(s) with your takeaway?
This question may not be of particular interest to our target audience. It does does offer an insight into what people may say in their interviews if the sub-topic of drinks is mentioned. One method of presenting it is to connect this question with others to offer a more subjective show of information for our viewers. For example, we could link this question with 'Do special offers with takeaways tempt you?' - they may not be particularly good questions to ask people in our interviews but by combining them together they could provide us with helpful information to most importantly develop the exposition later in the documentary.
14) Do you usually order one on a weekday or at the weekend?
This question was among the most essential for our target audience to answer. Since a large majority said they like to order a takeaway at the weekend, our documentary could state the reasons as to why this is this case. Again, interviews with key subjects are perhaps the best way to present this to our audience. It is perhaps very closely related to question 9 (Do you usually have a takeaway with your friends, family or on your own?) because a lot of people who order a takeaway could often get it with their family.
15) Are you always satisfied with the service you receive with your order?
If not please explain why…
Our target audience is satisfied with the service they recieve from takeaways. Very few people write in the 'please explain why' section of this question. Although we would have preferred them to do so, it is not all bad news because exploring why the service is so good is something we may able to ask people in our documentary. If we could find anyone who may be able to suggest why the 'No' category recieved so little votes compared to the 'Yes', this could be yet another way to develop our exposition further.
16) If you were on your own would you order a takeaway over cooking?
We cannot draw to a conclusion imediately because overall this question is mostly unbiased. To keep our documentary interesting for the viewer, it would be better for us to provide them with a variety of different factors such as different opinions and therefore we should consider asking this when we go to do our interviews. We believe that it will provide us with a varied outcome as suggested. It is essential that we show different opinion in our documentary and that we are not biased towards or against takeaways in any way. We must be completely neutral and this is the code of a good documentary.
17) Do you order one in the day or at night?
Due to the fact that most people said they preferred having a takeaway in the night, it could work to our advantage when we are interviewing people in the daytime. Evidently, we will be able to ask about people's plans for takeaways in the evening. Certain questions such as this one have more obvious answers - we could've probably just assumed that most people order their takeaways in the evening, but we felt it was necessary to check anyway so that we could provide proof to our viewers and make our documentary more professional and reliable.
18) How often do you watch television?
Every day
Every other day
Every couple of days
Every few days
Only to tune into a particular programme
While most of our questionnaire was about takeaways, we also decided that it was important to ask about the television element, as we aim for this program to be shown on channel 4. The results of this question show that nearly all people that we asked watch television on a regular basis and would likely be interested in watching our documentary. This question could've been worded slightly better, as 'every couple of days' and 'every few days' are not very specific and difficult to distinguish between. It is however, pleasing to see that a large section of our target audience watch television every day. This leaves them open to the idea of inheritance.
19) What font do you prefer?
This was a necessary question in terms of appealing to our target audience. Features such as on-screen graphics and music can easily be added and changed to fit the target audience's preferences. Personally, I prefer the Arial font, which has been labelled as 'Basic' in our results. To make sure people could understand what they were voting for, we provided them with an example of each font on the questionnaire. It didn't surprise me that the 'Formal' or 'Fancy' fonts did not get many votes and I don't think these would be taken seriously in documentary graphics.
20) Do you prefer to have a male or female voice over?
Like most documentaries, I think it is better to have one voiceover throughout rather than multiple. Subsiquently, we saw it fit to just give people a choice between either a male or a female narrator.
21) What music do you prefer to listen to in a light hearted documentary?
The majority of people selected that they would prefer to hear rock or electronic music in our documentary. The music that we choose because of these results must be relevent. If we can incorporate our target audience's preferences into our documentary, it would make it more appealing, interesting, and enjoyable to them.
White Black
The final question was asked in relation to their prefered colour of the on-screen graphics including text. Instead of just asking what the person's favourite colour was, we asked what their preferred colour for a documentary's graphics were because just knowing what their favourite colour was would've provided us with less useful and more random results. Over half of the votes went to black and white, so we will be sure to use black or white (or both) graphics in our documentary whilst certainly avoiding colours such as yellow, which didn't receive any votes.
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